Cluster no. 232

Go back to cluster table

Cluster is part of supercluster: 129

Cluster characteristics:

size 3564
size_real 3564
ecount 36214
supercluster 129
pair_completeness 0.64163979732842
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.00196408529741863
satellite_probability 4.28947468612038e-22
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

No protein domains detected

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

No similarity hits to repeat databases found

clusters with similarity:

Cluster Number of similarity hits
128 2
75 1

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
2430 13 0.0328
2410 10 0.025
2020 9 0.0225
5040 6 0.0152
18900 6 0.0153
36 5 0.00265
1130 5 0.0125
4350 5 0.0126
5640 5 0.0126
8430 5 0.0128
2 3 0.000514
9 3 0.00102
20 3 0.000804
23 3 0.00113
26 3 0.00125
109 3 0.00282
139 3 0.00205
223 3 0.00419
1150 3 0.0075
1860 3 0.00752
4870 3 0.00759
7540 3 0.00766
8960 3 0.00763
11600 3 0.00765
34500 3 0.00767
37500 3 0.00767
1 2 0.000524
6 2 0.00049
15 2 0.000745
29 2 0.000937
48 2 0.000565
65 2 0.00122
66 2 0.000641
75 2 0.000607
87 2 0.0012
89 2 0.0012
90 2 0.000732
99 2 0.00191
115 2 0.000953
128 2 0.00186
162 2 0.0013
258 2 0.0022
866 2 0.00496
10300 2 0.0051
18300 2 0.00513
25800 2 0.00511
43800 2 0.00513
44200 2 0.00512
50700 2 0.00512
50700 2 0.00512
65600 2 0.00512
66100 2 0.00512
134000 2 0.00513
139000 2 0.00513
183000 2 0.00513
189000 2 0.00513
201000 2 0.00513
211000 2 0.00513
267000 2 0.00513
337000 2 0.00513
5 1 0.000524
7 1 0.000208
11 1 0.000261
12 1 0.00023
13 1 0.000555
14 1 0.000274
18 1 0.000465
19 1 0.000452
24 1 0.000297
32 1 0.000551
34 1 0.000373
37 1 0.000293
40 1 0.000259
41 1 0.000306
42 1 0.000469
45 1 0.000336
47 1 0.000357
49 1 0.000493
50 1 0.000508
58 1 0.000838
60 1 0.000703
62 1 0.000334
72 1 0.000618
81 1 0.000389
88 1 0.000379
93 1 0.000879
95 1 0.00076
103 1 0.000428
106 1 0.00057
108 1 0.000853
110 1 0.000808
111 1 0.000347
114 1 0.000994
119 1 0.00109
123 1 0.000719
130 1 0.000419
134 1 0.00062
141 1 0.000623
146 1 0.000903
147 1 0.000338
148 1 0.000709
150 1 0.000743
153 1 0.000602
156 1 0.000827
157 1 0.000873
161 1 0.000597
163 1 0.000608
166 1 0.000951
168 1 0.000659
170 1 0.000694
171 1 0.000821
173 1 0.00115
178 1 0.00118
189 1 0.000749
190 1 0.000882
191 1 0.000764
195 1 0.00133
200 1 0.000822
201 1 0.00204
202 1 0.00144
204 1 0.00144
208 1 0.00128
215 1 0.00129
226 1 0.00168
256 1 0.0016
257 1 0.00195
271 1 0.00205
272 1 0.00133
295 1 0.00181
381 1 0.00196
547 1 0.00234
687 1 0.00236
710 1 0.00242
1130 1 0.00246
1620 1 0.00249
2960 1 0.00252
3940 1 0.00256
4190 1 0.00253
4750 1 0.00254
5580 1 0.00254
5670 1 0.00254
6680 1 0.00255
7660 1 0.00255
8410 1 0.00255
9280 1 0.00255
9680 1 0.00255
10900 1 0.00256
13800 1 0.00255
15600 1 0.00255
17400 1 0.00256
18000 1 0.00255
19700 1 0.00255
24400 1 0.00256
24600 1 0.00256
27900 1 0.00255
31600 1 0.00256
31600 1 0.00256
36700 1 0.00256
38600 1 0.00256
39300 1 0.00256
39400 1 0.00256
41100 1 0.00256
44700 1 0.00256
46100 1 0.00257
46300 1 0.00256
48900 1 0.00256
49100 1 0.00256
51100 1 0.00256
53400 1 0.00257
55000 1 0.00257
58100 1 0.00257
59600 1 0.00257
62900 1 0.00256
65800 1 0.00257
67000 1 0.00257
72700 1 0.00256
72700 1 0.00256
74500 1 0.00257
75400 1 0.00257
77400 1 0.00257
77600 1 0.00257
81700 1 0.00256
82500 1 0.00257
89800 1 0.00256
115000 1 0.00256
141000 1 0.00256
143000 1 0.00256
146000 1 0.00256
150000 1 0.00256
157000 1 0.00256
160000 1 0.00256
167000 1 0.00256
173000 1 0.00256
177000 1 0.00256
183000 1 0.00256
199000 1 0.00256
210000 1 0.00256
215000 1 0.00256
228000 1 0.00256
232000 1 0.00256
251000 1 0.00256
260000 1 0.00256
262000 1 0.00256
269000 1 0.00256
270000 1 0.00256
289000 1 0.00256
289000 1 0.00256
299000 1 0.00256
309000 1 0.00256
317000 1 0.00256
321000 1 0.00256
323000 1 0.00256
334000 1 0.00256
335000 1 0.00256
342000 1 0.00256
347000 1 0.00256

CL232 ----> CL2430


No. of shared pairs: :13

CL232 ----> CL2408


No. of shared pairs: :10