Cluster no. 251

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Cluster is part of supercluster: 145

Cluster characteristics:

size 2786
size_real 2786
ecount 23393
supercluster 145
annotations_summary 10.80% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Reina:Ty3-INT
7.43% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Reina:Ty3-RT
4.52% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Reina:Ty3-PROT
3.63% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Reina:Ty3-RH
2.80% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/chromo-unclass:Ty3-RH
1.62% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Reina:Ty3-GAG
1.15% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/chromo-unclass:Ty3-CHDII
1.04% organelle/mitochondria
0.93% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Reina:Ty3-CHDII
0.61% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Tekay:Ty3-RT
0.54% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/chromo-unclass:Ty3-RT
0.54% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Galadriel:Ty3-RH
0.50% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/chromo-unclass:Ty3-INT
0.43% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/CRM:Ty3-CHDII
0.43% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Tekay:Ty3-INT
0.25% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/CRM:Ty3-INT
0.22% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Chlamyvir:Ty3-INT
0.07% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/CRM:Ty3-RH
0.07% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Tekay:Ty3-RH
0.04% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/CRM:Ty3-RT
0.04% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Galadriel:Ty3-INT
pair_completeness 0.780191693290735
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.000358937544867193
satellite_probability 3.89552186042479e-23
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

  cl_string domain Freq proportion
mitochondria mitochondria 29 0.01041
CRM Ty3-CHDII CRM Ty3-CHDII 12 0.00431
Reina Ty3-CHDII Reina Ty3-CHDII 26 0.00933
chromo-unclass Ty3-CHDII chromo-unclass Ty3-CHDII 32 0.01149
Reina Ty3-GAG Reina Ty3-GAG 45 0.01615
CRM Ty3-INT CRM Ty3-INT 7 0.00251
Chlamyvir Ty3-INT Chlamyvir Ty3-INT 6 0.00215
Galadriel Ty3-INT Galadriel Ty3-INT 1 0.00036
Reina Ty3-INT Reina Ty3-INT 301 0.10804
Tekay Ty3-INT Tekay Ty3-INT 12 0.00431
chromo-unclass Ty3-INT chromo-unclass Ty3-INT 14 0.00503
Reina Ty3-PROT Reina Ty3-PROT 126 0.04523
CRM Ty3-RH CRM Ty3-RH 2 0.00072
Galadriel Ty3-RH Galadriel Ty3-RH 15 0.00538
Reina Ty3-RH Reina Ty3-RH 101 0.03625
Tekay Ty3-RH Tekay Ty3-RH 2 0.00072
chromo-unclass Ty3-RH chromo-unclass Ty3-RH 78 0.02800
CRM Ty3-RT CRM Ty3-RT 1 0.00036
Reina Ty3-RT Reina Ty3-RT 207 0.07430
Tekay Ty3-RT Tekay Ty3-RT 17 0.00610
chromo-unclass Ty3-RT chromo-unclass Ty3-RT 15 0.00538

clusters with similarity:

Cluster Number of similarity hits
116 4
51 1
214 1

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
1040 8 0.0416
30 6 0.00163
2 3 0.000533
6 3 0.000776
68 3 0.00191
5080 3 0.0171
20300 3 0.0172
24900 3 0.0172
55400 3 0.0173
10 2 0.00133
16 2 0.000759
24 2 0.000635
85 2 0.00137
106 2 0.0013
122 2 0.00147
134 2 0.00143
143 2 0.0015
214 2 0.00415
3610 2 0.0111
12800 2 0.0114
28100 2 0.0115
194000 2 0.0116
206000 2 0.0116
217000 2 0.0116
1 1 0.000278
14 1 0.000291
15 1 0.000405
17 1 0.000172
28 1 0.000645
31 1 0.000197
34 1 0.000405
36 1 6e-04
51 1 0.000338
52 1 0.000513
53 1 0.000337
57 1 0.000855
59 1 0.000815
78 1 0.000383
80 1 0.000675
88 1 0.000413
89 1 0.000689
99 1 0.0012
105 1 0.00063
107 1 0.00117
110 1 0.00098
111 1 0.000376
116 1 0.000459
117 1 0.000759
119 1 0.00143
126 1 0.000782
136 1 0.00134
144 1 0.0015
155 1 0.00112
158 1 0.000903
181 1 0.0011
198 1 0.00174
200 1 0.001
223 1 0.00201
249 1 0.00241
267 1 0.00184
303 1 0.00368
517 1 0.00528
796 1 0.00519
1580 1 0.00548
2270 1 0.00557
5630 1 0.00562
10700 1 0.0057
20300 1 0.00575
25500 1 0.00573
26600 1 0.00573
27500 1 0.0058
28300 1 0.00573
31900 1 0.00575
32200 1 0.00575
34800 1 0.00578
41700 1 0.00578
41800 1 0.00578
50300 1 0.00576
55100 1 0.00576
66800 1 0.0058
78800 1 0.0058
105000 1 0.00578
107000 1 0.00578
118000 1 0.00578
142000 1 0.00578
145000 1 0.00578
150000 1 0.00578
169000 1 0.00578
196000 1 0.00578
199000 1 0.00578
2e+05 1 0.00578
203000 1 0.00578
208000 1 0.00578
214000 1 0.00578
234000 1 0.00578
273000 1 0.00578
287000 1 0.00578
304000 1 0.00578