Cluster no. 265

Go back to cluster table

Cluster is part of supercluster: 156

Cluster characteristics:

size 2232
size_real 2232
ecount 16764
supercluster 156
annotations_summary 12.63% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-RT
10.08% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-RH
3.63% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatV:Ty3-aRH
2.87% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-aRH
2.24% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-PROT
1.08% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatIV_Ogre:Ty3-aRH
0.54% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatIV_Ogre:Ty3-RT
0.36% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Athila:Ty3-RT
0.31% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/CRM:Ty3-RT
0.22% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatV:Ty3-RT
0.13% organelle/mitochondria
0.13% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-GAG
0.09% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Reina:Ty3-RH
0.09% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatIII:Ty3-RT
0.04% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Tekay:Ty3-RH
0.04% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-INT
0.04% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatV:Ty3-GAG
0.04% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatI:Ty3-RT
pair_completeness 0.802907915993538
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.000448028673835125
satellite_probability 2.63652108321905e-23
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

  cl_string domain Freq proportion
mitochondria mitochondria 3 0.00134
TatII Ty3-GAG TatII Ty3-GAG 3 0.00134
TatV Ty3-GAG TatV Ty3-GAG 1 0.00045
TatII Ty3-INT TatII Ty3-INT 1 0.00045
TatII Ty3-PROT TatII Ty3-PROT 50 0.02240
Reina Ty3-RH Reina Ty3-RH 2 0.00090
TatII Ty3-RH TatII Ty3-RH 225 0.10081
Tekay Ty3-RH Tekay Ty3-RH 1 0.00045
Athila Ty3-RT Athila Ty3-RT 8 0.00358
CRM Ty3-RT CRM Ty3-RT 7 0.00314
TatI Ty3-RT TatI Ty3-RT 1 0.00045
TatII Ty3-RT TatII Ty3-RT 282 0.12634
TatIII Ty3-RT TatIII Ty3-RT 2 0.00090
TatIV_Ogre Ty3-RT TatIV_Ogre Ty3-RT 12 0.00538
TatV Ty3-RT TatV Ty3-RT 5 0.00224
TatII Ty3-aRH TatII Ty3-aRH 64 0.02867
TatIV_Ogre Ty3-aRH TatIV_Ogre Ty3-aRH 24 0.01075
TatV Ty3-aRH TatV Ty3-aRH 81 0.03629

clusters with similarity:

Cluster Number of similarity hits
68 23
5 1

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
68 68 0.0446
31100 4 0.0323
6260 3 0.0239
7420 3 0.0239
23300 3 0.0241
48700 3 0.0243
11 2 0.00056
29 2 0.00107
51 2 0.000688
117 2 0.00158
122 2 0.00153
8820 2 0.016
46000 2 0.0162
214000 2 0.0163
217000 2 0.0163
1 1 0.000282
2 1 0.000179
3 1 0.000273
6 1 0.000262
26 1 0.00047
27 1 0.000716
30 1 0.000275
31 1 0.000199
44 1 0.000329
52 1 0.000526
58 1 0.00108
62 1 0.000367
85 1 0.000708
96 1 0.000917
99 1 0.00128
112 1 0.00131
124 1 0.00101
134 1 0.000743
160 1 0.00105
167 1 0.000698
172 1 0.00079
178 1 0.00172
181 1 0.00117
189 1 0.000936
190 1 0.00115
205 1 0.00134
229 1 0.00137
242 1 0.00173
260 1 0.00316
266 1 0.00329
312 1 0.00733
973 1 0.00697
1780 1 0.00722
4000 1 0.008
6430 1 0.00787
8180 1 0.008
13700 1 0.00803
18900 1 0.00806
25200 1 0.00816
50700 1 0.00816
64700 1 0.00816
77700 1 0.0081
89700 1 0.00813
92600 1 0.00813
97800 1 0.00813
156000 1 0.00813
160000 1 0.00813
209000 1 0.00813
219000 1 0.00813
225000 1 0.00813
250000 1 0.00813
280000 1 0.00813
307000 1 0.00813

CL265 ----> CL68


No. of shared pairs: :68