Cluster no. 269

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Cluster is part of supercluster: 114

Cluster characteristics:

size 2056
size_real 2056
ecount 11707
supercluster 114
annotations_summary 15.32% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-INT
11.82% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-RT
6.76% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-aRH
5.69% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-RH
3.89% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-PROT
1.02% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatIV_Ogre:Ty3-INT
0.44% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Athila:Ty3-INT
0.34% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatIV_Ogre:Ty3-aRH
0.34% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatV:Ty3-aRH
0.19% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/Reina:Ty3-RH
0.19% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatV:Ty3-INT
0.15% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/chromovirus/CRM:Ty3-RT
0.10% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Athila:Ty3-RT
0.05% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatV:Ty3-RT
0.05% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatV:Ty3-RH
pair_completeness 0.773943054357204
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.000486381322957198
satellite_probability 4.71413703996316e-23
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

  cl_string domain Freq proportion
Athila Ty3-INT Athila Ty3-INT 9 0.00438
TatII Ty3-INT TatII Ty3-INT 315 0.15321
TatIV_Ogre Ty3-INT TatIV_Ogre Ty3-INT 21 0.01021
TatV Ty3-INT TatV Ty3-INT 4 0.00195
TatII Ty3-PROT TatII Ty3-PROT 80 0.03891
Reina Ty3-RH Reina Ty3-RH 4 0.00195
TatII Ty3-RH TatII Ty3-RH 117 0.05691
TatV Ty3-RH TatV Ty3-RH 1 0.00049
Athila Ty3-RT Athila Ty3-RT 2 0.00097
CRM Ty3-RT CRM Ty3-RT 3 0.00146
TatII Ty3-RT TatII Ty3-RT 243 0.11819
TatV Ty3-RT TatV Ty3-RT 1 0.00049
TatII Ty3-aRH TatII Ty3-aRH 139 0.06761
TatIV_Ogre Ty3-aRH TatIV_Ogre Ty3-aRH 7 0.00340
TatV Ty3-aRH TatV Ty3-aRH 7 0.00340

clusters with similarity:

Cluster Number of similarity hits
10 20
202 2
93 1

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
259 40 0.118
297 20 0.0802
3 3 0.000818
29 3 0.0016
130 3 0.00141
63 2 0.000658
8160 2 0.0149
19700 2 0.015
54800 2 0.0151
181000 2 0.0152
252000 2 0.0152
314000 2 0.0152
6 1 0.000261
10 1 0.000686
13 1 0.000648
14 1 0.000295
15 1 0.000412
16 1 0.000386
18 1 0.000528
19 1 0.000512
26 1 0.000468
30 1 0.000274
36 1 0.000615
50 1 0.000584
53 1 0.000342
54 1 0.000913
59 1 0.000843
60 1 0.000859
67 1 0.000451
76 1 0.000697
80 1 0.000695
93 1 0.00114
119 1 0.00152
122 1 0.000759
126 1 0.000807
127 1 0.000772
142 1 0.00107
144 1 0.0016
147 1 0.00037
153 1 0.000713
166 1 0.00126
172 1 0.000785
177 1 0.00178
212 1 0.00218
464 1 0.00583
14200 1 0.00749
26100 1 0.00749
28900 1 0.00755
66700 1 0.0076
67500 1 0.00755
68000 1 0.0076
218000 1 0.00758
3e+05 1 0.00758
309000 1 0.00758
332000 1 0.00758

CL269 ----> CL259


No. of shared pairs: :40

CL269 ----> CL297


No. of shared pairs: :20