Cluster no. 296

Go back to cluster table

Cluster is part of supercluster: 187

Cluster characteristics:

size 1024
size_real 1024
ecount 7199
supercluster 187
pair_completeness 0.805996472663139
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.025390625
satellite_probability 6.54841437066171e-21
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

No protein domains detected

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

No similarity hits to repeat databases found

clusters with similarity:

Cluster Number of similarity hits
121 3

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
121 52 0.0937
15100 4 0.0684
2570 3 0.0488
13200 3 0.0513
2700 2 0.0345
173000 2 0.0357
9 1 0.000383
22 1 0.000372
48 1 0.000312
54 1 0.000981
60 1 0.000919
90 1 0.000417
113 1 0.000764
283 1 0.00601
12900 1 0.0175
14500 1 0.0177
36300 1 0.0179
47000 1 0.0177
60700 1 0.0177
84300 1 0.018
112000 1 0.0179
227000 1 0.0179
254000 1 0.0179
307000 1 0.0179
331000 1 0.0179

CL296 ----> CL121


No. of shared pairs: :52