Cluster no. 300

Go back to cluster table

Cluster is part of supercluster: 191

Cluster characteristics:

size 983
size_real 983
ecount 3899
supercluster 191
pair_completeness 0.66893039049236
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.143438453713123
satellite_probability 1.88421288679485e-15
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

No protein domains detected

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

No similarity hits to repeat databases found

clusters with similarity:

Cluster Number of similarity hits
92 1

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
92 43 0.062
2890 10 0.0943
2910 7 0.0673
10100 7 0.0686
3070 5 0.0478
6880 5 0.0498
22000 4 0.04
102 3 0.00126
8270 3 0.0299
13800 3 0.03
72000 3 0.0303
3 2 0.00055
19 2 0.00104
39300 2 0.0203
47500 2 0.0202
50300 2 0.0202
248000 2 0.0203
256000 2 0.0203
298000 2 0.0203
325000 2 0.0203
5 1 0.000618
14 1 0.000298
20 1 0.000291
22 1 0.000366
25 1 0.000535
31 1 2e-04
37 1 0.000321
43 1 0.000382
45 1 0.000373
53 1 0.000346
67 1 0.000457
72 1 0.000753
85 1 0.000721
89 1 0.000727
212 1 0.00235
3020 1 0.00976
4770 1 0.0099
7460 1 0.0098
17500 1 0.0102
28200 1 0.01
30400 1 0.0102
39000 1 0.0101
44200 1 0.0102
57900 1 0.0102
81300 1 0.0102
108000 1 0.0102
133000 1 0.0102
165000 1 0.0102
239000 1 0.0102
320000 1 0.0102
322000 1 0.0102

CL300 ----> CL92


No. of shared pairs: :43

CL300 ----> CL2892


No. of shared pairs: :10