Cluster no. 305

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Cluster is part of supercluster: 196

Cluster characteristics:

size 890
size_real 890
ecount 5111
supercluster 196
annotations_summary 13.60% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Ivana:Ty1-RT
11.80% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Ivana:Ty1-INT
6.40% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Ivana:Ty1-RH
4.72% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Ivana:Ty1-GAG
3.03% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Ale:Ty1-RT
2.13% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Ivana:Ty1-PROT
1.69% organelle/mitochondria
1.46% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/SIRE:Ty1-RH
0.79% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/SIRE:Ty1-RT
0.34% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Ale:Ty1-RH
0.22% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Alesia:Ty1-RT
0.22% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Tork:Ty1-RT
0.11% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Alesia:Ty1-PROT
0.11% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Ale:Ty1-INT
0.11% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Tork:Ty1-INT
0.11% Class_I/LTR/Ty1_copia/Gymco-II:Ty1-RH
pair_completeness 0.827515400410678
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.00112359550561798
satellite_probability 1.43574013326601e-23
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

  cl_string domain Freq proportion
mitochondria mitochondria 15 0.0169
Ivana Ty1-GAG Ivana Ty1-GAG 42 0.0472
Ale Ty1-INT Ale Ty1-INT 1 0.0011
Ivana Ty1-INT Ivana Ty1-INT 105 0.1180
Tork Ty1-INT Tork Ty1-INT 1 0.0011
Alesia Ty1-PROT Alesia Ty1-PROT 1 0.0011
Ivana Ty1-PROT Ivana Ty1-PROT 19 0.0213
Ale Ty1-RH Ale Ty1-RH 3 0.0034
Gymco-II Ty1-RH Gymco-II Ty1-RH 1 0.0011
Ivana Ty1-RH Ivana Ty1-RH 57 0.0640
SIRE Ty1-RH SIRE Ty1-RH 13 0.0146
Ale Ty1-RT Ale Ty1-RT 27 0.0303
Alesia Ty1-RT Alesia Ty1-RT 2 0.0022
Ivana Ty1-RT Ivana Ty1-RT 121 0.1360
SIRE Ty1-RT SIRE Ty1-RT 7 0.0079
Tork Ty1-RT Tork Ty1-RT 2 0.0022

clusters with similarity:

Cluster Number of similarity hits
81 2

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
7 3 0.000673
57 2 0.00192
182 2 0.00246
190000 2 0.0465
4 1 0.000297
13 1 0.000688
16 1 0.000399
17 1 0.000176
20 1 0.000295
22 1 0.000373
28 1 0.000704
31 1 0.000202
35 1 0.000314
53 1 0.000352
60 1 0.00093
85 1 0.000751
97 1 0.00064
106 1 0.000711
122 1 0.000814
169 1 0.00132
207 1 0.00336
213 1 0.000901
264 1 0.00375
280 1 0.00436
449 1 0.0118
504 1 0.0164
737 1 0.015
2220 1 0.0211
3480 1 0.0213
24400 1 0.023
26800 1 0.023
48200 1 0.023
54500 1 0.023
271000 1 0.0233
288000 1 0.0233