Cluster no. 306

Go back to cluster table

Cluster is part of supercluster: 185

Cluster characteristics:

size 870
size_real 870
ecount 2734
supercluster 185
annotations_summary 18.28% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatII:Ty3-GAG
9.31% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatV:Ty3-GAG
0.34% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Athila:Ty3-GAG
0.34% Class_I/LTR/Ty3_gypsy/non-chromovirus/OTA/Ogre_Tat/TatIV_Ogre:Ty3-GAG
pair_completeness 0.452420701168614
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.00114942528735632
satellite_probability 4.28848727092841e-21
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

  cl_string domain Freq proportion
Athila Ty3-GAG Athila Ty3-GAG 3 0.0034
TatII Ty3-GAG TatII Ty3-GAG 159 0.1828
TatIV_Ogre Ty3-GAG TatIV_Ogre Ty3-GAG 3 0.0034
TatV Ty3-GAG TatV Ty3-GAG 81 0.0931

clusters with similarity:

Cluster Number of similarity hits
168 2

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
478 24 0.111
492 9 0.0428
3510 7 0.0407
6860 4 0.0237
17 3 0.000516
30500 3 0.0181
134 2 0.00144
43200 2 0.012
154000 2 0.0121
207000 2 0.0121
1 1 0.000279
2 1 0.000178
9 1 0.000367
14 1 0.000292
22 1 0.000357
24 1 0.000318
29 1 0.000523
31 1 0.000198
47 1 0.000388
67 1 0.000444
79 1 0.000399
87 1 0.000696
102 1 0.000409
168 1 0.000774
169 1 0.00114
206 1 0.00163
449 1 0.00483
567 1 0.00485
852 1 0.00529
2560 1 0.0059
8060 1 0.00599
19700 1 0.00602
33600 1 0.00606
34500 1 0.00606
61600 1 0.00604
68800 1 0.00608
70400 1 0.00608
72500 1 0.00608
81500 1 0.00604
82100 1 0.00608
85000 1 0.00604
115000 1 0.00606
138000 1 0.00606
141000 1 0.00606
152000 1 0.00606
203000 1 0.00606
205000 1 0.00606
253000 1 0.00606
258000 1 0.00606
271000 1 0.00606
292000 1 0.00606

CL306 ----> CL478


No. of shared pairs: :24