Cluster no. 311

Go back to cluster table

Cluster is part of supercluster: 200

Cluster characteristics:

size 822
size_real 822
ecount 3335
supercluster 200
pair_completeness 0.691358024691358
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.0425790754257908
satellite_probability 9.4044097376133e-20
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

No protein domains detected

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

No similarity hits to repeat databases found

clusters with similarity:

Cluster Number of similarity hits
38 6
162 3

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
243 15 0.0226
38 9 0.0073
5180 7 0.0864
5710 6 0.0745
10800 5 0.0645
7650 4 0.051
94 3 0.00813
1200 3 0.0361
6990 3 0.0385
8900 3 0.039
59500 3 0.0392
5220 2 0.0253
25900 2 0.0258
48400 2 0.0261
58200 2 0.0261
146000 2 0.0263
315000 2 0.0263
339000 2 0.0263
11 1 0.000284
17 1 0.000175
43 1 0.000386
75 1 0.000335
98 1 0.00107
134 1 0.00077
183 1 0.0012
210 1 0.00446
266 1 0.0039
12900 1 0.013
24800 1 0.0129
43800 1 0.013
48200 1 0.0131
52900 1 0.0131
59900 1 0.0132
62000 1 0.0131
74000 1 0.0132
77300 1 0.0132
77500 1 0.0131
114000 1 0.0132
121000 1 0.0132
137000 1 0.0132
165000 1 0.0132
246000 1 0.0132
271000 1 0.0132
321000 1 0.0132
324000 1 0.0132

CL311 ----> CL243


No. of shared pairs: :15