Cluster no. 316

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Cluster is part of supercluster: 205

Cluster characteristics:

size 719
size_real 719
ecount 2780
supercluster 205
pair_completeness 0.660508083140878
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.0125173852573018
satellite_probability 2.15999844156912e-21
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

No protein domains detected

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

No similarity hits to repeat databases found

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
837 7 0.0838
2090 7 0.0875
161 4 0.00294
67300 3 0.04
4 2 0.000588
17 2 0.00035
9250 2 0.0263
128000 2 0.0268
225000 2 0.0268
273000 2 0.0268
293000 2 0.0268
5 1 0.000627
7 1 0.000223
87 1 0.000742
99 1 0.00137
123 1 0.000929
138 1 0.00127
158 1 0.000992
166 1 0.00136
200 1 0.00111
3420 1 0.0126
6490 1 0.0126
57200 1 0.0135
72200 1 0.0133
78200 1 0.0135
89300 1 0.0134
91700 1 0.0134
173000 1 0.0134
177000 1 0.0134
201000 1 0.0134
307000 1 0.0134