Cluster no. 320

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Cluster is part of supercluster: 209

Cluster characteristics:

size 681
size_real 681
ecount 9973
supercluster 209
pair_completeness 0.806366047745358
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.650513950073421
satellite_probability 0.00316665945694621
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

No protein domains detected

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

No similarity hits to repeat databases found

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
2870 5 0.122
3260 4 0.0976
11800 4 0.101
10400 3 0.075
32600 3 0.0779
41600 3 0.0779
3 2 0.00056
61 2 0.00124
2300 2 0.0519
13700 2 0.0526
2 1 0.000182
18 1 0.000556
22 1 0.000374
28 1 0.000707
31 1 0.000203
49 1 0.000597
50 1 0.000618
57 1 0.000968
60 1 0.000935
64 1 0.00112
77 1 0.000794
82 1 0.00101
92 1 0.00158
109 1 0.0014
127 1 0.000833
238 1 0.00315
245 1 0.00158
7800 1 0.0263