Cluster no. 328

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Cluster is part of supercluster: 218

Cluster characteristics:

size 615
size_real 615
ecount 3979
supercluster 218
pair_completeness 0.460807600950119
pbs_score None
TR_score None
TR_monomer_length None
loop_index 0.0016260162601626
satellite_probability 3.90603663686178e-21
consensus None
TAREAN_annotation Other
orientation_score 1

protein domains:

No protein domains detected

protein domains:

Reads annotation summary

No similarity hits to repeat databases found

clusters connected through mates:

Cluster Number of shared
read pairs
1010 8 0.0661
8570 6 0.0511
7060 4 0.0343
10300 4 0.0342
256 3 0.00857
6600 3 0.0258
7640 3 0.0256
19800 3 0.026
26300 3 0.0259
36400 3 0.026
3180 2 0.0171
3770 2 0.0165
11000 2 0.0173
17200 2 0.0172
21600 2 0.0174
34400 2 0.0173
38600 2 0.0173
57200 2 0.0174
245000 2 0.0175
297000 2 0.0175
348000 2 0.0175
40 1 0.000279
46 1 0.000613
49 1 0.000571
81 1 0.000436
98 1 0.00103
100 1 0.000974
128 1 0.00125
234 1 0.00366
245 1 0.00141
273 1 0.00185
767 1 0.0073
2560 1 0.00862
2830 1 0.0083
3220 1 0.00847
3420 1 0.00844
4640 1 0.00851
4660 1 0.00858
5370 1 0.00866
8690 1 0.00858
9230 1 0.00866
11000 1 0.00866
14000 1 0.0087
19400 1 0.00866
22900 1 0.00862
25100 1 0.0087
29500 1 0.00873
44400 1 0.00866
46900 1 0.0087
48500 1 0.00877
49500 1 0.0087
49900 1 0.0087
53600 1 0.0087
54900 1 0.0087
61800 1 0.0087
73800 1 0.0087
95400 1 0.00873
180000 1 0.00873
222000 1 0.00873
266000 1 0.00873
269000 1 0.00873
297000 1 0.00873
310000 1 0.00873
324000 1 0.00873
341000 1 0.00873